I painted this mural in Bucharest, Romania, for the tenth edition of Street Delivery, a street festival trying to raise some awareness towards some of the main problems of the city. This year's edition's main focus was global warming and carbon footprint. I was lucky enough to have my project chosen out of the rest of the submissions.

The concept is pretty straightforward - the painting of the leaves, flowers and birds, tries to mimic how nature takes a lot of time to grow and develop, and then the red drippy line tries to suggest the quick, destructive effect that sometimes humans have. I wish I would've had just a little bit more time to add some more tones and details, but I'm pretty pleased of this result.

I want to thank first of all to Pren for all the help and for being one of the nicest people ever, thanks Mazo for helping me with the paint, with filling in the colors and many other small things, thanks to all the organizers and volunteers for their support, thanks everyone who took cool pictures of the mural while it was being painted, and thanks Aitch for hanging in there and supporting me.